Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Trading Psychology restore

Trading Psychology restore, it is important when we long to leave the activity of forex trading and want to resume such trading activities, that's what came into my mind when I did not live long holiday trading activity, there must be a reason for it and certainly everyone has a reason different.

Indeed, trading activities will not run well if we do not constantly monitor it and study it, it will affect the development of the system we use and our psychology as well of course in the face of the market, foreign feeling when seeing a chart with price movements that formed, was shocked when I saw market behavior, feeling stiff with the system we use will be felt when we long to leave our trading activities in a long time.

So it is important we return our trading psychology before we start trading transactions, try not to advance the transaction when the new market entry, although you must use a virtual transactions do not use live, re-test the system we use, monitor market activity for the next few days to several weeks fore even a few months ahead with a review of our trading system according to how quickly we can readjust the conditions of (psychological) we are trading, and do not forget to take another loo
k at the history of the news was released at a time when the previous (fundamentals).

With a sense of not patronizing the last posts of this writing only a beginner who has always wanted to learn, please add to our knowledge together.

Authors apologize for the error word and the language used, success always ..